February Facts: Things You May Not Know


February is often associated with Valentine’s Day, but there are also plenty of facts about February that you may not know. Facts you may be very interested in. February has its own birthstone, sign and so much more.

Fun Facts about February’s History

There is so much more to the month of February than Valentine’s Day celebrations.

February is the shortest month on the calendar, with just 28 days. Every four years, each leap year, February gains a day, going from 28 to 29 days.

As of 2001, February is also known for being the month of the Super Bowl. It is held on the first Sunday of February (I.e. Super Bowl Sunday). If you aren’t much of a sport’s fan but your significant other is, be patient, for the romance is near. Give your sport’s loving partner the first weekend of the month, and you’ll get to binge on rom coms on the second.

February is also “National Junk Food Month.” Binge on all the yummy snack food without all the guilt. What is Super Bowl Sunday without chips, dip and chicken wings? An additionally acceptable binge involves eating all those Valentine’s Day treats.

Among February’s more flashier facts are the sparkles that coincide with the month.

February’s Birthstone

February’s birthstone is the Amethyst. This purple gem has an intriguing and captivating look. However, the beauty of these gems goes deeper than its overall appearance. It is a symbol of deep love, happiness, sincerity, wealth and humility.

Once admired as the “Jewel of the Gods,” Amethysts are traditionally worn by Bishops/ Farmers. Understandably so, as Amethysts are believed to protect crops against hailstones and locusts.

This elegant gem is the official gemstone of Ontario and the official gem of Wednesday, Jupiter and people born with the sign of Pisces. Speaking of...

February Babies, Here’s Your Sign.

If you are born in February, your sign is either the Aquarius or the Pisces. These signs have similar characteristics but overall different personalities. Ironically enough, the two signs are often very compatible, romantically. Before we dive deep into what attracts the two signs, let’s learn more about them as individuals.

Anyone born between the 1st and the 18th of February fall under the Aquarius sign. This sign differs from many because it categorizes people on both ends of the spectrum. Some Aquarians are introverted and of quiet nature, while others are energetic and eccentric. They are a very progressive sign.

Aquarians pride themselves on honesty and intellect. Due to their strong intellect, Aquarians are prone to think outside of the box and work hard to find solutions to issues. They are free thinkers and are very independent. They do things their own way and are very openminded. They are prone to question theories and are always looking to learn something new.

February babies born between the 19th and the 28th fall under the Pisces sign. Pisces thrive on elevating others and their talents instead of focusing on people’s flaws. They are a more positive group. They like to keep things real and authentic, working hard to get to know a person’s personality before coming to any conclusion about them. They are among the least superficial signs.

It’s what is on the inside that counts. Pisces’ friendships often consist of sincere, quality people, as they are drawn to what is in a person’s heart. They are very emotional people, who always seek a deeper connection to the people they care about. Their highly vibrant personalities and low maintenance nature make them easy people to get along with.

The Aquarius and Pisces signs have many distinct differences. One is very strong-willed, while the other has a more sensitive soul. While their characteristics may vary, they often find common ground intellectually. If you and your partner share February as your birth month but have differing signs, don’t worry. You may just be a perfect fit for each other.

The Aquarius and Pisces signs differ, but they have a common middle ground that breeds very healthy relationships. Your differences may even help the two of you find peace in the other.

February’s Birth Flower

February babies, violet may not be your color, but it is your birth flower.

Violets are a bright purple flower, found in 500-600 species. These bold beauties can also be found in blues, whites, creams and even in multicolor blooms.

Violets are the state flower of Rhode Island, Illinois and New Jersey. They are asymmetric. They consist of five heart-shaped petals. This makes them even more ideal to represent the month that houses Valentine’s Day.

One interesting fact about violets is that they contain both the male and female floral reproductive organs. This allows some species of flowers to self-pollinate, while others still need insects to pollinate.

They look so good you could eat them, literally. Violets are used in a variety of savory dishes. They are of great use when it comes to making sweet garnishes. Funny enough, they are nutritious too. They are loaded with Vitamin C. They have even more than most vegetables. Vitamin C is good for the immune system and a person’s overall health.

Additionally, the violet flower has a beautiful fragrance that is envied by many. It is often used in perfumes, lotions and oils. All ideal gifts to give for Valentine’s Day.

If you are interested in taking some violets home or sending some to a person you love, talk with our florists at Wild Strawberry & More in Mason, MI, . We even offer same-day delivery. Share the love and the beauty of violets for someone's February birthday. It is a fun and meaningful gift that any February baby is bound to appreciate.

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