2020 Interior Design Trends


Finding your perfect house is just the first step. It can be hard to make your new house feel like a home and not just a place where you sleep and eat. The easiest way to get this process going is to start nesting.

You want to feel comfortable and relaxed when you come home from a long day. Adding colors, patterns and trinkets that bring joy to your soul is an easy way to house feel homey. Don’t just take our word for it. The 2020 interior design trends confirm this theory.

Becoming One with Nature

It’s the year to embrace natural tones and defer away from the more distracting hues. Natural, earthy tones are particularly trendy. Don’t you worry though! That doesn’t mean you can’t introduce color into your décor. In fact, items in your house that have been kept neutral, like tiles and cabinetry, maybe the place to experiment with those different colors.

Shades of pink will be more common in 2020. If bubble gum pink isn’t your color, you have options. Soft peachy corals and terra cotta are staple colors in this year’s color palette. If yellow is your color of choice, golden yellows are embraced in fabrics, specifically velvets.

This idea of bringing yourself back to nature can be taken both figuratively and literally. Maybe you aren’t the kind of person who likes to rough it out in the woods and go camping, but that doesn’t mean you can’t bring nature home to you.

This year, bring in some house plants to freshen up your space. It’s a lovely addition to your décor and is beneficial to your overall wellbeing. Plants offer natural ways to include color into your interior design. Our florists at Wild Strawberry & More in Mason, MI, can help you revamp your house with the plants and florals you’ll need.

Designing Smarter not Harder

Going back to nature isn’t just about the colors you choose. Nowadays, it’s very common for people to be more mindful of the decisions they make that impact the world. Some choose to embrace the use of sustainably harvested materials. Some examples of sustainably harvested materials include acacia and rattan.

Acacia trees have been around for centuries and have been popular because of how sturdy and strong the wood is for building.

Rattan hasn’t been as popular as acacia trees, but that is changing. Rattan is used in a lot of outdoor furniture designs since it is wicker material. It is found more and more in homes today. Both materials are considered sustainable because they are in abundance. Once they are planted, they mature within a few years.

The idea of sustainability isn’t limited to how long a product will last physically. Sustainability also relates to style and what is trending for the time. Design and decor that can be easily manipulated without completely having to change are among the most popular interior design choices for 2020. If your home’s style can evolve with the time and not become irrelevant altogether, you are doing something right.

With this evolution, people will begin to lean more towards items that are of high quality. As the old saying goes, “You get what you pay for.” Your home’s interior design is worth investing in, even if that means paying a little extra. If it lasts longer than its cheaper alternative, it will pay for itself in the end.

Putting the “You” in Unique

The most important tip you should take away from the 2020 interior design trends is to just be you. Whatever you feel fits your style best, go for it! Your home should be your sanctuary and should reflect your individuality. Follow your intuition this year and don’t let anybody stop you from making your home yours.

Embracing uniqueness is especially pertinent to overall décor, furniture and individual pieces for your home. Instead of getting items that have been mass-produced, people are looking to buy products that have a story and may even help tell theirs in their home. This can be found with local vendors, local artists and other local carpenters in your area. Your local florist may even be able to help.

This is just one reason why stores like Etsy have become so popular in the last couple of years. People want to support individuals instead of large corporations.

Don’t let your uniqueness be limited to just the paint you choose or the furniture you buy. Extend it to all aspects of your home, even rugs. Rugs aren’t just there for convenience. Rugs can become pieces of art for your home. Square, neutral rugs will become a thing of the past. Funky shapes and patterns are what is in style. Individuality can even be found in the material of the rugs you choose.

This is the year to let your true self shine. Express your individuality and make your house a home that you can be proud of. It’s a new year with new interior design trends, but it all boils down to what it is that expresses who you are and what you love.

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