White Lily Bouquet For Sympathy
When words alone aren’t enough, let our peaceful bouquet express your deepest condolences. A gathering of white lilies and lush greenery creates a soothing reminder of your love and support during a difficult time.
All-white bouquet of Asiatic lilies, Peruvian lilies (alstroemeria) and monte casino; gathered with assorted greenery
Picked fresh on our premier farms around the world, our flowers are cared for every step of the way and shipped fresh to ensure lasting beauty and enjoyment
Order by 12:30 PM EST for same day pickup or delivery!
* Fee charged in addition to the Standard Delivery Fee
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18" Lotsa Love® Bear
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18" Lotsa Love® Bear
Huggable, adorable and ready to cuddle. Our Lotsa Love teddy bear wears a checkered brown bowtie to match his cream-colored, plush fur. This lovable friend is ready to deliver warmth to someone you care about.
Plush bear wearing brown checkered bowtie
Measures overall approximately 18′′H
SKU # 191001
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